Why You Need To Master Hand Expression

Why Do You Need To Master Hand Expression Anyway?

What is hand expression and why do you need to master the skill? To learn more, read how this valuable technique is essential for the early days of breastfeeding.

You may be sitting there thinking you’ve lived a full life so far. You’ve traveled, gone away to college, did a semester in France, or worked in a major city.

Learn the art of hand expression for the early day of breastfeeding your baby.

That certainly may be true. However, I guarantee that you’ll be experiencing many firsts as a new mom.

For example, if you’re planning to breastfeed, one may be mastering the art of hand expression.

What Is Hand Expression And What’s The Big Deal?

Hand expressing breastmilk from your body. 

Why on earth would you do such a thing when you have access to modern conveniences? What about the pump insurance covers or your splurge on an Elvie?

Here’s why.​

In many cases during the early days of breastfeeding, hand expression yields more than an electric pump. In other words, you get more milk.

Situations Where You Need Hand Expression

• Preterm babies. Firstly, little nuggets that arrive early often need a minute to coordinate suck, swallow and breathing to feed efficiently. Secondly, they can be jaundiced and lethargic as well. Therefore, hand expressing colostrum is a great way to ensure they get all the nutrient-packed benefits of colostrum

• Your milk needs a nudge. Hand expression provides extra stimulation and helps with overall supply. Consequently, it’s a great way to remind your body that we need to get in gear

• Relieves engorgement. Hand expressing can take the edge off so your baby can latch more easily. Subsequently, making you more comfortable

Learning The Technique To Maximize Output

It’s good to know that there’s a technique to the whole thing. I often warn my clients that this video is a tad dated, HOWEVER, it’s legit.

I recommend you keep it in your back pocket just in case.

​​Dr. Jane Morton of Stanford University demonstrates how hand expression is an excellent tool for breastfeeding mamas.

​Getting In-Home Breastfeeding Support

So there you have it. One of the many new, and sometimes bizarre, things you’ll experience on the wildest and most rewarding ride of your life.

Buckle up!


​PS. If it would be amazing to have one-one-support for these unchartered waters, let’s connect.

Click here to schedule a quick call to discuss how we’ll navigate any breastfeeding challenges that come your way.