About Amy

When I was in your shoes, I didn't do anything to prepare myself for breastfeeding. I may have taken an overview at the hospital, but I had no idea what it was like to breastfeed my baby.

It didn't even cross my mind that breastfeeding could be really hard, or painful or the 50 other reasons my clients reach out to me.

It was when I was expecting my third, I decided to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). To say knowledge is power is the understatement of the century. What I learned in the countless courses and 500 clinical hours at Sibley Memorial Hospital, completely changed how I navigated breastfeeding.

I'll admit I feel a little robbed that I didn't know as much breastfeeding my firstborn and daughter.  For the sake of sanity, I believe that timing is everything and it all worked out.

With that being said, if I can help expectant and new moms feel as confident and empowered about breastfeeding as I did with my third, then it's worth making supporting you my life's work!

So, I get it. I don't only get it but I'm here to be your designated support person along the way. I help navigate breastfeeding issues before they become problems with personalized support and a customized plan.

IBCLC | International Board Certified Lactation Consultant

Areas of Breastfeeding Where I Can Help

Jersey Girl, Mom of 3 Teens & Loves The Crimson Tide
Jersey Girl, Mom of 3 Teens & Loves The Crimson Tide
  • Correcting a painful latch
  • Difficulty initiating and sustaining nursing
  • Comfortable positioning for you and your baby
  • Low milk supply, oversupply, & overactive letdown
  • Clogged ducts
  • Tongue & lip-tie support
  • Feeling overwhelmed by feeding your baby
  • Using a nipple shield
  • Engorgement and how to prevent mastisis
  • Determining if your baby is getting enough to eat
  • Bottle refusal
  • Making sure a sleepy baby gets fed
  • Dealing with thrush
  • Ways Dad/Partner can help with breastfeeding