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Download the How To Master A Pain-Free Latch Guide to Learn How

Enjoy Breastfeeding Your Baby With In-Home Breastfeeding Support

Imagine what it's like to have personalized, one-on-one support to help you navigate breastfeeding challenges in the comfort of your own home.  

What is an Arlington lactation consultant?

Arlington Lactation ConsultantFor new and expectant mothers, the early days and weeks with a newborn can be both exhilarating and exhausting. There is so much to learn, and sometimes it can feel like you're doing everything wrong. Breastfeeding is a learned skill, and, like any skill, it takes time and practice to perfect.


The biggest benefit of breastfeeding is providing your child with the best nutrition possible. Breast milk is packed with nutrients essential for a growing baby, and impossible to replicate these nutrients in formula.


Amy, a Lactation Consultant Arlington is a highly trained professional who assists new and expectant mothers with breastfeeding.

She provides education and support for everything from latching a baby onto the breast to managing engorgement. In addition, lactation consultants help mothers overcome difficulties with milk production and answer any questions about breastfeeding. Finally, lactation consultants can offer support and encouragement to mothers struggling with breastfeeding.


Furthermore, lactation consultants have breastfeeding certification from an accredited organization, such as the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBCLC Arlington VA). Board-certified lactation consultants have breastfeeding experience in both hospital and private settings and understand the challenges that breastfeeding mothers face. In addition, they also have extensive breastfeeding knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and feeding positions.


Lactation consultant Arlington VA


In conclusion, it's helpful to know what to expect when meeting with a breastfeeding consultant for the first time. Mothers can expect to discuss their breastfeeding goals, get tips on improving breastfeeding latch, and receive information about the best way to position their baby for breastfeeding. Besides lactation consultants providing virtual consultations, in-person consultations can be especially beneficial. In short, in-person consultations offer a more comprehensive assessment of breastfeeding dynamics, and they allow the lactation consultant to get a better sense of the mother's challenges and needs. Consequently, in-person consultations allow the mother to receive more hands-on support and instruction. As a result, they are often more effective in helping mothers overcome breastfeeding challenges.


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How I Help Clients in Arlington VA
  • Painful breastfeeding
  • Latch & positioning
  • Tongue & lip tie assessment
  • Low milk supply
  • Oversupply & overactive letdown
  • Engorgement
  • Plugged ducts
  • Mastitis
  • Nipple shield use
  • Sleepy baby
  • Pumping schedules
  • Pump flange fittings
  • Bottle refusal
  • Weaning / starting solids
  • Any breastfeeding related questions!

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