BACK-TO-WORK Breastfeeding & Pumping Coaching


Sound like you?

Are you breastfeeding and/or pumping and feel overwhelmed about going back to work?

Or maybe you're excited about returning to office life but need a plan for storing milk and continuing to nurse your baby.


You're not alone!


It's completely normal to have emotions come up when planning to leave your baby in someone else's care.

You've worked so hard to establish and protect your milk supply and now you're afraid you won't be able to keep up.

So, let's take the mystery out of working & breastfeeding by learning the facts and clearing up the misconceptions you may have heard. 

You don't have to choose between Breastfeeding, Pumping & Work

After our BACK TO WORK 1:1 COACHING session, you'll: 

  • Know the quickest and easiest way to create a stockpile of breastmilk for the freezer
  • Feel empowered learning when and for how long to pump while you're away from your baby
  • Be confident with research-based practices for protecting your milk supply
  • Tips for bottle-feeding a breastfed baby


We'll also discuss how you're feeling about going back to work and juggling your new role as a working mother


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1:1 coaching sessions are limited and are subject to availability


Ready To Have A Return-To-Work Plan?


(1) Month Back-To-Work Support Package For Breastfeeding & Pumping Moms 

The Back-To-Work Coaching Package provides one-on-one support for the smoothest transition from maternity leave to the office.

You'll have peace of mind knowing how to protect your supply and keep your baby fed as you're juggling motherhood and a career.

May you're curious...

  • When should I pump when I'm away from my baby?
  • How much milk do I need to leave with my caregiver?
  • Is my personal pump good enough to keep my supply up now that I'm nursing less?
  • How do I rally my supply if it takes a hit from long days at work or out-of-town business trips?
  • What comes up when you have to leave your baby?

We'll cover all of it and more! 

What's included:

  • (1) Hour coaching session via Google Meet
  • Customized nursing and pumping plan 
  • (1) Month 24/7 follow-up access for questions and updates so we can make adjustments as needed
  • Emotional support around leaving your baby in someone else's care. Anxiety, jealousy, and guilt are all real feelings to process

You've worked so hard to establish your milk supply and your breastfeeding relationship with your baby. You don't have to wrap up nursing now that it's time to go back to work. I can help you go back to work while successfully continuing your breastfeeding journey. 




Email me at or send me a text @ 703.952.5405